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Myerson and the Multicult

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 05 September 2008 01:04.

Harold Myerson’s frank and malevolent Jewish hate-piece in Tuesday’s Washington Post concludes with this paragraph:-

In a year when the Democrats have an African American presidential nominee, the Republicans now more than ever are the white folks’ party, the party that delays the advent of our multicultural future, the party of the American past. Republican conventions have long been bastions of de facto Caucasian exclusivity, but coming right after the diversity of Denver, this year’s GOP convention is almost shockingly—un-Americanly—white.  Long term, this whiteness is a huge problem. This year, however, whiteness is the only way Republicans cling to power. If the election is about the economy, they’re cooked—and their silence this week on nearly all things economic means that they know it.

Now, Myerson is plainly a frustrated man.  He has climbed to the summit of his own personal Mt Nebo, and he can see that longed-for multiracial Promised Land where Jews shall be free.  It’s so close he could almost smell it.  He has come to the conclusion that the first sign of arriving in it ... a sign that only a few days ago looked so darned believable ... would be the election of Barack Obama as the forty-fourth President of the United States.

The election of Obama = the consent of white America to submerge itself in “our multicultural future”.

But then along comes a gust of cold Alaskan wind and the too, too solid fear that the white American majority of voters may not consent at all.  Myerson and his kin group will have to wait to fire up their celebrations.

In his frustration he affirms two contradictory facts.  First, “our multicultural future” is going to happen, he is saying.  In terms of numbers it’s just a matter of when.  It cannot be put off through the political process.

And he’s right, of course.  A McCain presidency wouldn’t do anything to change that, quite the reverse.  But there is a crucial distincton to be made here.  The process of political and demographic marginalisation that afflicts white America - which will continue whoever is in the Oval Office - has been imposed without discussion, without consent.  It lacks all legitimacy, therefore, and carries within itself permanently the seeds of revolt.  As long as there is a large body of men and women who call themselves white Americans ... as long as white American gun-owners and church-goers are a fact on the electoral, cultural and racial ground, there is the possibility, even likelihood, that “our multicultural future” will, in some definitive sense, be rejected.  Such a permanent challenge, which is rooted in the existential fact of being a white American, could have highly unpredictable consequences.

So Myerson desperately needs to see that shifting the schwerpunkt to culture (which began as long ago as 1923, with the establishment of the The Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt) has worked.  He needs the undoing of white America to bear its own imprimateur.  It is balm to his inate paranoia.

And so we get fact two: “Long term,” says Myerson, “this whiteness is a huge problem”.

For Jews, he means.  The only way of dealing with it is more of the same ... more Rothstein, more NBA, more porn, more Brangelina, more Bratz, more Myerson, indeed ... more everything.  More white deconstruction, too.  More, more, more.  White Americans as people who are, in any kind of sense, their European selves have to be “solved”.  Finally.

Dr Henry Morgentaler, no hero in the blogosphere

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 11 July 2008 23:44.

On July 1st the Canadian government announced the award of its highest civilian honour, the Order of Canada, to Dr Henry Morgentaler, holocaust personality, humanist and abortionist extraordinaire.  Of course, it was ultra-controversial with Canada’s Catholic and pro-life groups.  But a wave of wider protests have washed up the very steps of the Governor General’s house, and scores of past recipients of the award have returned their medals.


Morgentaler, now 85, describes himself as a Polish Jew who survived Auschwitz from 1944, and was finally liberated by the Russians.  He opened his first abortion clinic in 1969, operating at that time outside of the law.  Here’s a comment from Canadian Cynic blog on his activity in those early days:-

... those of us who were alive and watching the coverage during the time of the Morgentaler “protest”, remember a lot more than a man who was standing up for the right to choose. Morgentaler was not upholding some sacred ideal, he was taking advantage of a weak and unconstitutionally written law against the right to choose, (in order to supply a service that many would argue should be provided, to be sure), as a cash business, plain and simple. The best that could be said about his motivation was that it resulted in utilizing clean, sterile, safe procedures.

In essence, he was providing the same services a back-alley coathanger abortionist was, for the same reason, but within the guildelines of medical procedures within the medical community, motivated to do so by the threat of losing his license. When his case came to the light of the media, pro-choice activists flew to his defense, paying his legal bills, encouraging him to open new clinics, and in some cases, even funding the entire startup operation.

And here, if you are wondering, is the legal framework for abortion in Israel, to which Dr Morgentaler did NOT make aliyah after the war, preferring to migrate to Canada and, in due course, to agitate for “personal liberty” in the context of “the silent holocaust”.

Circumstances under which abortion is legal

The termination committee approves abortions, under sub-section 316a,[1] in the following circumstances:

  1. The woman is younger than seventeen (the legal marriage age in Israel) or older than forty.
  2. The pregnancy was conceived under illegal circumstances (rape, statutory rape etc.), an incestuous relationship, or outside of marriage (children born outside of marriage are not considered illegitimate by Jewish standards).
  3. The fetus may have a physical or mental birth defect.
  4. Continued pregnancy may put the woman’s life in risk, or damage her physically or mentally.


Did we kill Jews, Daddy?

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 27 January 2008 00:03.

Perhaps a reader with a better memory than me can name the late John Tyndall’s only work of fiction in which, I seem to recall, British shoppers carried home plastic bags bearing the injunction, “Remember the Holocaust”.

From a propaganda perspective, that dulling degree of ubiquity still awaits us.  But the same tawdry mechanicalness, the same tendency to glaze the eyes attends the words penned for Gordon Brown in yesterday’s Daily Telegraph:-

We must not forget the Holocaust

Imagine, Remember, Reflect, React: together, these words define tomorrow’s Holocaust Memorial Day. Why imagine? Because the sheer scale of the Holocaust numbs us to its individual realities: the captivity, suffering and death of six million people, 1.5 million of them children, each with family, a history and unique emotions.

... As a boy, I was well aware of the struggle and sacrifices of the Jewish people. My father, a Church of Scotland minister, led parties of visitors to Israel twice a year for more than 20 years and wanted me to understand what the Holocaust meant.

Why remember? Because, more than 60 years after the liberation of Belsen, Treblinka and Auschwitz, and as the last of the survivors now grow old, we simply cannot afford to forget.

... Each generation must learn and understand the dark forces and culpable failures that allowed prejudice, discrimination and persecution to lead to a vast programme of mass slaughter that spanned a continent.

And as we reflect again on these events, we must react to them too, to ensure that “Never Again” is not just a slogan, but a reality.

Only by systematic efforts - such as the Holocaust Educational Trust’s Lessons from Auschwitz programme and compulsory teaching about the Holocaust in secondary schools - can we maintain a common knowledge of what happened, celebrate the courage of the few who fought it and learn the lessons for the future.

That is why we have provided funds to encourage hundreds of pupils from every school in the country to visit Auschwitz and learn of the tragedies that follow when people do not stand up. Last year 3,000 pupils travelled to Auschwitz, this year 4,000 - every secondary school offering at least two pupils the chance to see its dark truths.

Well, for one, I would not permit my daughter to be propagandised in this way.  She won’t be visiting Auschwitz.  As a father I do all I can to explain to her the strategic value of the Holocaust narrative for Jewry, and to protect her from the libel on her blood and on the blood of all Europe’s children in those unjust words: “Each generation must learn and understand the dark forces and culpable failures that allowed prejudice, discrimination and persecution to lead to a vast programme of mass slaughter that spanned a continent.”

I suppose it is probable that, being a politician, Brown is lying about his awareness as a boy of the “struggle and sacrifices of the Jewish people”.  After all, Jewish donors keep his party afloat and, of course, “befriend” it (as they “befriend” the Conservatives).  Brown has no alternative but to be an enthusiastic Judeophile and devotee of the “magnificent” Jewish homeland (as Cameron has to be, too).

Realpolitik - mere moral or intellectual weakness - would, then, be some kind of fig-leaf for the man.  But if he is sincere ... if he really believes that the hearts of English children hold “dark forces” - some original sin of hate of the semite - then we are faced with something quite different.  We are faced, in Brown, with a Judaised soul in which the normal empathy for kind, and even for the children of kind, has been perverted.  It’s true, of course, that at this level, the level of foundational loyalty, one cannot serve Jewry and kind.  Jewry’s profound unwillingness, as expressed in the exploitation of the Holocaust, to act peacefully towards our children simply does not leave that possibility open.

The moral of the story, on this Holocaust Memorial Day in Britain, is that we should cooly explain the hateful uses to which the narrative is put.  We owe Jewry and Mr Brown and the political Establishment only that.

Peggy Drexler, Ph.D does her bit for the destruction of the nuclear family

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 05 August 2007 00:10.

Thanks to Micheal R for the link to this super-zivian tale of a Jewish psychologist.  The Jewish News Weekly hits all the right buttons, so I will just post it and refrain from further comment.


According to research psychologist Peggy Drexler, boys will be boys, whether dad’s around or not.

In her book “Raising Boys Without Men,” Drexler details the results of her years-long study of single mothers and lesbian couples. Her most striking conclusion: It’s possible, even likely, that boys from those families will grow up emotionally stronger and more well-rounded than boys from traditional mom-and-dad households.

Drexler will be making several appearances at local bookstores and at a reception sponsored by the S.F.-based Jewish Community Federation.

“What surprised me,” says the former San Francisco resident, “was that these mothers were establishing a creative new way of parenting. Good parenting was not anchored to gender.”

She also discovered that the boys in her study formed multiple healthy attachments with male role models other than their fathers, were deeply involved with sports, were diligent about completing household chores and related to women with respect and openness.

“That was the other thing that surprised me,” she says. “The boys were very savvy, with a lot of empathy and sensitivity to themselves and others.”

Drexler studied two populations, single mothers (by choice or circumstance) and lesbian co-moms. Her subjects for the latter group all lived in the Bay Area, and a large number of them were affiliated Jews.

Jewish herself (she formerly belonged to S.F.’s Congregation Sherith Israel), Drexler observed that Jewish families in her study “very much felt that the Jewish spiritual values would provide a strong sense of respect for community.”


Children of Holocaust survivors file class action suit against Germany

Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 17 July 2007 00:43.

JERUSALEM: Raised on fear and depression, children of Holocaust survivors say the Nazi terror has crossed generations, and want the German government to pay for their psychiatric care.

On Monday, Israelis who call themselves second generation survivors are filing a class action suit in a Tel Aviv court against the German government to finance therapy.

Thousands of people from Holocaust families are incapable of working, live with an irrational fear of starvation and suffer incapacitating bouts of depression, said Baruch Mazor, the director of the Fisher Fund which is filing the suit.

Mazor said 4 to 5 percent of the 400,000 children of survivors in Israel require treatment. Since many cannot hold steady jobs, they cannot pay for their own treatment, and aid from the Israeli government and health insurance has been inadequate, he said.

The suit seeks to set up a German-financed fund to pay for biweekly therapy sessions for 15,000 to 20,000 people, or about US$10 million (€7.3 million) annually for three years.

About 4,000 people have joined the suit, Mazor said.

It was unclear what standing the Israeli court would have in a damages case against a foreign country.

Mazor said the Tel Aviv suit was a first step aimed at winning recognition that Germany should bear responsibility for the suffering of survivors’ children. Armed with that ruling, the plaintiffs would try to negotiate a settlement, or would take their case to a German or an international court, he said.

Since the 1950s, Germany has paid more than US$60 billion (€44 billion) in reparations to concentration camp survivors, families of the some of the 6 million Jewish victims, and to the state of Israel. Much of that money went to the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, a New York-based organization that negotiates with Germany and distributes the payments.

Mazor said money handled by the Claims Conference is earmarked for survivors, and their children did not want to detract from those funds.

Instead, they wanted “recognition and responsibility of the German government” for their problems, he said.

The German Foreign Ministry declined comment.


How does he get away with it?

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 07 May 2007 23:17.

Professor Ted Cantle CBE ...
... has a lofty vision for England.  He believes that la-la land can and must be built here, for all our benefit.  And, no doubt, for his.

The key is to just open


English eyes to the amazing humanity and really, really amazing social and cultural contributions of our exciting new black and brown brothers.  And our new Albanian brothers.  And our new Russian Mafia brothers.  And let’s not forget our new Turkish and Kurdish brothers, and so many, many more.  Brothers - and brutthas - in humanity every one.

Clever Ted - who used to run Nottingham city council - picked up early on the fashion among desperately disappointed government ministers for alternatives to Multiculturalism.  He came up with Interculturalism - not new but, hey, nor is hope.  And G-d knows, hope is all desperately disappointed government ministers have got.  Hope and taxpayers’ money, of course.

Ted’s Interculturalism is a Freudianised cash cow that “defeats” raysissum and breaks down “preconceived” barriers by getting us all to lie back on his black imitation leather couch and blah blah blah in the prescribed manner.  It’s the same old Marxian crap about everything being socially-constructed, ie perfectible.

Perfectible makes good money.


Holocaust website draws thousands of Iranians.  Or maybe not.

Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 24 April 2007 00:25.

The Middle East Times ran a nice piece of disinformation on 16th April about the thousands of Iranians who ...

visit a new Holocaust Web site in Farsi run by Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial, despite their leadership’s questioning the Nazi genocide of Jews, the museum said.”

... The Web site was put online by Yad Vashem in Jerusalem in January, and has so far had some 25,100 visits, including 12,170 from inside Iran, spokeswoman Estee Yaari said.

It includes 20 historical chapters on World War II, the Nazi regime, the systematic killings, and photos from the Nazi death camps and ghettos.

“We believe that making credible, comprehensive information about the Holocaust available to Persian speakers can contribute to the fight against Holocaust denial,” said Yad Vashem chairman Avner Shalev.

Iran’s firebrand president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has branded the systematic killing of 6 million of Europe’s Jews as a “myth,” and last year Tehran hosted a controversial revisionist Holocaust conference, sparking an international outcry.

Shalev calls the Web site a powerful tool against Ahmadinejad’s rhetoric, which has included calls for the Jewish state to be “wiped off the map.”

So let’s look at this “powerful tool”.  It isn’t clear, actually, whether the “25,100 visits” are unique visitors or just hits.  I presume that Yad Vashem isn’t too fussy about the difference and these are just hits - in which case the site is doing in three months about half what MR, also a specialised facility, pulls in a single day.

Now, the visitor figure for “Iranians” is less than half of the total.  But ... there are up to 40,000 Persian Jews in Iran who might be expected to have a greater than average interest in the site.

So how many Ahmadinejad-apostates is Yad Vashem really celebrating?  Based on our profile of visitors I would guess the site receives about 80 unique visitors per day from within Iran.  Of those half could easily be Jews, and of the remainder the preponderant majority are there in the expectation of sampling a Jewish deception.

The article quotes two visitor messages of support but doesn’t, of course, specify whether the authors were ethnic Iranians or Jews.  However, let us give them the benefit of the doubt.  They have had at least two successes for their trouble.

The population of Iran is 71 million.  But what the heck, there’s always a bit of good publicity to be got out of it.

Oh yes, and one more thing.  Ahmadinejad never said Israel should be wiped off the map.  His words were, “Our dear Imam said that the occupying regime must be wiped off the map and this was a very wise statement.”

Yad Vashem, being a temple of historical fidelity, really should be able to get that right.  If it’s interest was in doing so.

Fraser II

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 09 March 2007 08:36.

This is the promised second interview with Andrew Fraser, conducted here by James Bowery.

Download Audio SHA-1 Checksum Flash Player

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